ePIcenter Innovation Bridge
The different ePIcenter ports work closely with their innovation hubs to connect the maritime and logistic industry with the start-up community to enable innovation. The main focus is on digital innovation to become more efficient resilient and greener ports, exactly in line with the ePIcenter objectives. Within the ePIcenter project an 'Innovation Bridge' is established, connecting the different ports and their innovation eco-systems. They will work together and exchange information on upcoming calls, challenges and events with each other and their networks.
Are you a start-up, interested in solving a real-life port challenge? Check out the upcoming innovation challenges in the ePIcenter Ports.
Innovation challenges
Innovation challenge organised in Algeciras on preserving the marine ecosystem and biodiversity guaranteeing the compatibility of the port activity
Innovation challenge organised by Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg
Innovation challenge in Antwerp on collision avoidance
Innovation challenge in Algeciras on queue detection and waiting time prediction at terminals
Innovation Challenge in Algeciras on automate vehicle boarding/disembarking on ferries
Innovation challenge in Antwerp on Barge postioning at waiting berths
The different innovation hubs are:

The Port of Algeciras has a team working on innovation as a business process and promoting an innovation culture within the Port Community. An open innovation framework enables the collaboration and co-creation between innovative companies, research institutions, universities and start-ups. A Port-Living Lab delivers both a digital and operational environment for developing real testbeds and experimentations on the port-logistics sector.

The Port of Antwerp has a dedicated team working on innovation enablement. It works closely together with The Beacon, a community of innovative companies and research institutions that want to collaborate to provide digital solutions for ports, cities, industries.
Duisport works together with Startport an innovation platform for logistcs and supply chain in the Port of Duisburg. With their start-up programs they bring together the industry and start-ups to provide sustainable and future-proof solutions in logistics.

In Hamburg, ePIcenter partner Logistics Initiative Hamburg teams up with the Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg. This hub unites companies, start-ups, investors, research and education in one place. They focus on matchmaking events and pilot projects to accerelate innovation.

In Montreal the port cooperates closely with Centech. Centech is a business incubator that supports the creation and commercialization of high tech companies by offering coaching programs for start-ups and large companies.