The project consist of 7 work packages with their deliverables
WP1 - ePIGEN Vision, Opportunities & Requirements
WP1 led by the Coordinator (PoA) will undertake a detailed analysis from the perspective of all stakeholders in the TENT & Global Networks with a view to understanding the main challenges and opportunities. WP1 also aims to formulate a detailed project specification, vision, goals and success criteria. WP1 will be used directly in the development of the ePIGEN solution and will set in motion the stakeholder and public engagement process .
List of WP1 Deliverables
D1.1 : Initial Review of EU/Global Initiatives, Policies & Standards D1 1 report FINAL Feedback Revision Final
D1.2 : TEN-T & Global Networks Initial Review of Challenges / Confidential
D1.3 : Arctic & New Trade Routes Challenges D1 3 Artic new trade routes challenges 310521
D1.4 : Initial Stakeholder Requirements Analysis / Confidential
WP2 - Global Visibility Technology and Governance
WP2 will provide the visibility and connectivity architecture & protocols by which actors in the Enhanced Physical Internet enabled Global-European Network (ePIGEN) will share real-time data.
List of WP2 Deliverables
TITLE (all deliverables are confidential)
D2.1 : Early Architecture Prototype
D2.2 : Initial ePIGEN International Cooperation & Governance Model
D2.3 : Final ePIGEN International Cooperation & Governance Model
D2.4 : Soft Network Architecture & Physical Internet Models
D2.5 : Modularization Potential to solve empty container repositioning imbalance
WP3 - Artificial Intelligence and ePIGen Optimisation
WP3 will result in innovative Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, Logistics Optimization & Simulation Software, Laboratory Simulation Techniques and supporting Analysis Methodologies. These solutions will provide a powerful toolset for users (industry & public sector) to develop better understanding of the impact of new concepts, technologies and strategies in European and Global Logistics, and the impact of new trade routes to and from Europe. This will build on the successes of previous projects, but will introduce new advanced algorithms and technologies.
This toolset will also be able to plan, schedule, optimize and manage logistics networks on an operational, day-to-day basis, creating massive cost savings and benefits for industry.
List of WP3 Deliverables
TITLE (all deliverables are confidential)
D3.1 : Early Lab Network Simulator Prototype
D3.2 : ePIGEN Synchromodal & Transfer Zone Optimization toolsets
D3.3 : Arctic Navigation & AI Fuel Minimization Algorithms
D3.4 : Integrated FreightBot Synchromodal & Multimodal Transfer Zone Toolsets
D3.5 : Freight Network Configuration Impact Comparator Toolset
D3.6 : Environment-& Wildlife-friendly Arctic Navigation Solutions
WP4 - Demonstrators, Showcase and Lessons learned
WP4 will complete full scale business case demonstrators of the ePIcenter solutions in order to:
- Evaluate the feasibility, capability, sustainability, practicability and benefits of the ePIcenter tools and innovations
- Obtain specific results and analyses (publicly available) which will increase understanding of the impact of new trade routes, disruptive technologies and new environmental issues on global freight flows through major European nodes and around the TEN-T network.
List of WP4 Deliverables
D4.1 : ePIGen Demonstrator plans, KPI's & success criteria / confidential
D4.2 : ePILink early results for Silk Routes and Global Network Demonstrators / confidential
D4.3 : ePINode early Hyperloop and Pods demonstrator / confidential
D4.4 : ePIGen Integrated International Showcase Solutions
D4.5 : ePILink Final ePIGen Demonstrator / confidential
D4.6 : EPINode Final EPIGen Demonstator / confidential
D4.7 : ePIGen Wildlife & Environment Friendly Arctic Routes Demonstrator / confidential
D4.8 : Lessons Learned / confidential
D4.9 : Success Stories
WP5 - Exploitation, Communication & Dissimination
WP5 is aimed at arranging an extensive but highly focused communication programme to engage external stakeholders, benefit from their suggestions and promote the concepts of ePIcenter to a diverse international audience. In addition the plans for long-term exploitation of the project outputs will be finalized, and a structured dissemination plan will be finalized and executed
List of WP5 Deliverables
D5.2 : Initial TEN-T & Global Networks recommendations
D5.4 : European and International Cooperation including Disadvantaged Regions Initial Findings
D5.7 : ePIcenter Community & Online Education Portal
D5.9 : Final TEN-T & Global Networks recommendations