
To evaluate the feasibility, capability, sustainability, practicability and benefits of the ePIcenter tools and innovations, 3 full scale business case demonstrators will be completed.
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The “ePI-Link” demonstrator will address Integrating Global and TEN-T Networks – Physical, Logistics and Information Layers, optimising multimodal freight flows through a network spanning Europe, North America and China, with multiple actors representing different stakeholder groups.

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The “ePI-Node" Demonstrator will address New Logistics Technologies & Multimodal Transfer Zone Optimisation, focussing on the impact of technologies such as Hyperloop, autonomous vehicles and Artificial Intelligence optimisation algorithms on flows through major nodes in the logistics network, and consequential impact on the global supply chain.


The “Arctic" Demonstrator will focus on Wildlife-Friendly Arctic Shipping & Sustainable New Logistics Routes, testing the ePIcenter methodologies and solutions that reduce impact of logistics operations on the environment from increased understanding driven by AI and Big Data technologies